It’s been 6 years since the release of Battleground: Hostile Intentions and while I still enjoy the game — there are a few rough edges, that should be smoothed out.
I was planning to upgrade my copy with wooden blocks (unit counters), but since I’m already in the files… I might as well fix the long-standing issues and release an updated version.
I’ll be documenting the process here on my blog, so check back for future updates. If you’ve played the game before and ran into any issues, please leave a comment below and I’ll address them in the 2nd Edition. Thanks in advance!
I’ll kick this process off by reading and rereading the rules — then dive into a couple games on Tabletop Simulator and see what issues pop up during gameplay.
I’m assuming these changes will make my short list:
- Eliminate attachments units
- Rework Embarking/Disembarking rules
- Include Level 2 Tech (buildings and units)
- Add official combat sequencing rules
- All non-Command Center buildings should be generic (non-player specific)
- Update all unit stickers for wooden blocks (20mm)