You probably don’t know, but Alfredo Lorente was a big part of the game design process back in 2014. He helped me work on the initial rules and did quite a bit of work on the unit stats. I saved all that data, so it was pretty easy to build new spreadsheets, crunch the numbers and rebalance everything. I’m happy to say, that unit costs are much more comparable to unit effectiveness, so you always get what you pay for, but your dice may not always cooperate…
The unit design has also been updated (see above). Old units (left) were designed to be used as cardboard counters, so they could be different sizes, but they needed to be color coded for army identification, etc… The new unit stickers (right) are designed for wooden 20mm blocks, so I can make some changes for unit clarity and readability — switching the unit type indicator bar to the background gradient will be a lot easier to see on the battlefield!
I’ve also added a tech level indicator (top middle), because we now have level 2 units — expect to see Combat Drones and Titans (mechs) hitting the battlefield real soon, along with some other surprises…
Still lots to do, but I’m excited to see the updated game hit the table. It’s going to be fun!
Im looking forward to it 👍
hi there Joe,
I’m looking forward to the second edition, I just started on TTS with your wonderful game, and it’s good.
although I think with the level 2 units and the blocks as a possible fog of war for your opponent or solo implementation maybe that would be nice 😀
So keep up the designing and if you want it can playtest as well although I’m a rooky, but willing.
best regards
Thanks for the response!
I designed an Alien Invasion expansion (solo play) years ago, but never did anything with it. Once I finish the redesign, which is coming along nicely — I’ll update that expansion as well and bring it to TTS.