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Battletech: Alpha Strike terrain pt 2

Finally acquired enough terrain to put together a nice Alpha Strike table and it looks great, if I do say so myself.

The hill and rock formations were ordered from Northland Wargaming. What you’re seeing here is a large set of hills and a medium set of rocks — for the price, I wish there were a few bigger pieces, but I can clump these together to make larger formations.

The river terrain came from Stratagem. The scale isn’t quite right, but it looks great on the table and the added weight helps keep the tablecloth in place. The kit was a bit pricey, but worth every penny.

The evergreens were purchased from a local store, but I did make the deciduous trees out of a kit from Woodland Scenics and glued everything onto primed, painted and flocked 1/8″ MDF. At some point, I’ll probably need to make another set of these and base each tree individually — I have a feeling the glued down bases are going to get in our way…

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