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Soundcloud & Mixcloud

In the 1990s and 2000s, I produced music and DJ’ed under the alias, Ether Drift. To be honest, most of the music I created as a solo artist (techno and house) wasn’t great—about 80-90% of it was just rubbish. However, there are a few quality remixes and original tracks in my back catalog.

Later, I teamed up with Tamas Fodor to produce Drum and Bass, under the alias, Unusual Cuts. We put together a demo that was well-received locally, but unfortunately, most of our hard work (master files, audio assets, custom patches, etc…) was lost to a hard drive failure. Instead of recreating everything from scratch, I decided to walk away from the hobby and move on to other ventures, which was probably for the best…

Since then, I’ve dabbled in DJ’ing again. I invested in new equipment, played a few house parties, and even hosted a couple of karaoke nights. The new technology is incredible and offers plenty of creative possibilities, but it didn’t hold my interest for long—I just don’t have the time or energy anymore.

Now we get to the good part and why this backstory matters…

Recently, I dusted off my old CD collection and discovered original music and live DJ sets I didn’t even realize I had. Since then, I’ve been busy importing, revisiting, and, most importantly, uploading this content for everyone to enjoy.

Soundcloud (Original songs, remixes, etc…)

Mixcloud (Recorded DJ sets, etc…)

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